I began my journey toward a healthy life on September 14, 2010 when I made my first visit to Dr. Barnes. At the time I had reached my point of surrender with my constant weight problem that I had experienced for 56 years. In the last 5 of those years my weight had ballooned to 469 pounds. I was miserable. I had diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and chronic knee problems.
On that day of my first visit with Dr. Barnes he gave me hope like I had never had before. He gave me some instructions on what I needed to do to prepare for the Roux-N-Y Gastric Bypass and I began following his instructions. My biggest fear with the surgery was that after the surgery, I would constantly be hungry but have a physical limitation with eating to satisfaction. Even with this fear, I was desperate for a change in my life and on that day the change began.